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Writer's picturemathewssuman

Foundations of Mathematical Logic

course on foundations of mathematical logic

Foundations of Mathematical Logic Course

Mathematical Logic is extensively used in Computer Science. The course introduces you to basic terminology of Logic. You'll learn about negation, conjunction, disjunction, implication, bi conditional and how to calculate the truth tables for each.

Learn about the laws of Logic next. You'll also come to understand the difference between a tautology and a contradiction. Realise how important the laws of logic are when it comes to problem solving.

You'll be introduced to the laws of Duality and the concept of NAND and NOR. How NAND and NOR are inverses of each other is also explained. The course proceeds to explain the laws of inference.

Understand the terms

Conjunctive Simplification

Disjunctive Amplification


Modus Pones

Modus Tollens and more.

Use these and more, to test the validity of a statement. You'll also be introduced to quantifiers, open statements and how to calculate the truth value of an open statement. You are introduced to the rules of Logic which connect universal and existential quantifiers.

 Learn about Quantified statements and how to calculate their negation. Practice writing the negations of Quantified statements with a simple trick.

Also Master Logical Puzzles: Identify the Odd Man Out and Syllogism problems.

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